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MARBLE HALL, SOUTH AFRICA, 18 NOVEMBER 2016: Diederich Beyers and his wife Dolla and one of their three childen are seen in one of their fields on their farm in Marble Hall, South Africa. Beyers is seen one week after his farm home was invaded by 6 men who tied him and his wife up and ransacked their home. The attackers told him they were going to kill him and they threatened to rape his wife. As the attackers were preparing to leave, they told him once they had loaded the cars they were coming back to kill him and his family. Temporarily alone and without a gun to his head, Beyers managed to escape the cable ties binding his arms and grab a hidden shot gun and kill one attacker and wound two others. His wife was still cutting the cable ties binding his legs as he took his first shot. He says the incident was terrifying and credits God with saving their lives. He says the thought of his sleeping children and his wife gave him strength to survive this incident. Beyer's feels bad about killing the one man and says he does not bear the black man any ill-will. One of the wounded was caught by the police and he confessed that this group had commited 5 other murders and was also involved in illegal rhino poaching. Beyers says that he knows that farmers have no choice but to take their protection into their own hands. He say he knows he cannot rely on the government or the police but he remains positive about South Africa and is willing to work with everyone towards a future. The official government figures say that close to 4000 white farmers have been killed since 1994 in South Africa. Agricultural and farmer organizations say that number is much higher and believe that the attacks on farmers are not only about criminal opportunism but that there is also a political motive. The number of farmers in South Africa has dwindled steadily from around 105 000 in 1994 to around 35 000 today. Farmers in these isolated areas have received very little support from the police and ha

In den letzten Jahren hat das schwarze Apartheidregime in Südafrika bereits mehr als 4.000 weiße Farmen enteignet, beschlagnahmt oder zu Mini-Preisen von den bisherigen Eigentümern unter Androhung von Gewalt abgepresst. Der laufende Wahlkampf, wo der regierende marxistisch dominierte African National Congress (ANC) unter Staatspräsident Cyril Ramaphosa weitere Landnahmen zu Lasten der Weißen und zu Gunsten der Schwarzen als Programmpunkt für die nächsten Jahre angekündigt hat, bietet neuen Zündstoff.

Neben den Agrarflächen, die derzeit noch im Eigentum weißer Farmer stehen, und die Nahrungsmittelversorgung des Landes aufrechterhalten, schielen radikale kommunistische Zirkel im ANC schon nach Privateigentum bei Industriebetrieben im ganzen Land, um sie zu „vergesellschaften“.

Verstaatlichung treibt Wirtschaft in den Untergang

Eigentlich sollten die Machthaber aus den Reihe des ANC in Pretoria am Beispiel Venezuelas sehen, wo es hinführt, wenn man durch Verstaatlichung und Enteignung die Wirtschaft ruiniert und damit eine ganze Gesellschaft in den ökonomischen Untergang führt. Durch schwarzen Terror und blutige Übergriffe verlassen immer mehr Weiße das einstmals blühende Land am Kap der guten Hoffnung und wandern aus.

Im Jahr 2018 etwa wurde ein Projekt gestartet, um bis zu 15.000 weiße Farmer und ihre Familien in Russland anzusiedeln. Im ehemaligen kommunistischen Weltmachtstaat wird den Neuansiedlern das Privateigentum garantiert, während es ihnen von den Marxisten in Südafrika weggenommen wird.

Weiterlesen: https://www.unzensuriert.at/content/0029213-Suedafrika-ANC-Regime-hat-bereits-4000-weisse-Farmen-enteignet

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