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By the Editor | Henry Kissinger, the doyen of diplomacy and supreme global policy, can look back on an exceptional career: He has not only shaped the foreign policy of the United States as Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under the administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, but also served as Director of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1977 to 1981. Beyond that, he has remained irreplaceable as an advisor to world-wide governments, as well as an unique political strategist for distinct supranational groups up to this day.

His expertise and unique position ensure that Kissinger, despite his advanced age, has remained still in great need and continues to be personally called upon to solve the most sensitive political tasks: There seem no alternatives available at this stage!

The problems of the transnational establishment

U.S. hardliners and their European vassals at governmental level, due to their shrinking power, have replaced the former concept of global balance of power with that of an over-aggressive war-policy. This has not only upset the previous world order, but in addition has made the current turn of the era extremely dangerous. With their hasty two-front war against Russia and China – including economic sanctions – the Atlantic agitators have ultimately brought the former „Kissinger Concept“ to a crashing standstill.

Today, Henry Kissinger expresses concern that the faction of Western hawks has managed to weld the superpowers Russia and China together. As a strategist, he knows full well, that the West of the „15 percent“ [of the world’s population] on their own does not face the ghost of a chance against the combination of Russia and China all together.

Therefore, the very task assigned to Henry Kissinger from those power groups with still clear heads has been: To sweep-up the political shambles left-over by western warmongers, which do encompass the ever-increasing danger of a nuclear war as well.

The required political feat and pitfalls attached

The diplomatic feat required of Kissinger involves pulling off a negotiated settlement before the Western alliance falls economically and militarily apart entirely: They might only be able to hold out for another four to six months. After the original plan of the Atlantic warriors, the Coup d‘ État in Moscow for the planned „regime change“ with simultaneous(!) military attack by their Ukrainian Bandera army corps, could not be realized until today – contrary to the multiple promises of the collaborators inside Russia – thus a so-called „freezing“ of the conflict for the survival of the West has meanwhile been urgently required.

For that purpose, it would be necessary to include EU-Europe including Great Britain, as well as China in a „negotiated solution“ at the expense of Russia. If anyone could achieve this, there was one man existing, to be known under the name of Kissinger!

The grand soigneur of high diplomacy has in mind to include Great Britain and France in a negotiated solution, as they would have the political intellectual prerequisites: Germany has been excluded because Kissinger, in an interview with the Economist, explained, that Germany had no historically consistent global experience, apart from the 20 years under the great statesman Bismarck, but apart from that, it had never been able to clearly decide among the available options.

As for China, one must suspect that the U.S. may once again be tempted to offer China – instead of Taiwan – access to former Soviet territories, even in creative ways, as e.g. like a leasing deal offer of Crimea. While this has not worked in the past due to developments before and after 2015 in the Ukraine, it has certainly made China all the more cautious in the meantime.

In contrast to the one-dimensional U.S. war-hawks, Kissinger will try to pull-over India to the Western side, because of its animosities with China. This is not likely to be easy, because the Indians, after their painful experiences under British colonial rule, know very well what desires might be hidden behind Western „Trojan offers“ finally: Of course, to go to war for and on behalf of the Atlantic warmongers!

Regarding Japan the intention seems to let them turn into a nuclear power within some years, in the hope to win them over against China in the long run and side with their “North Altantic Alliance” without the previously needed military pressure.

The above mentioned „concept of diplomacy“ would only come at the expense of Russia, followed by Central Europe and China. However, in contrast to the prevailing current Atlantic policy, Kissinger is not so deluded as to try to crush Russia altogether because, in line with his studies of the 19th century and Metternich, he advocates the principle of a balance of power policy on a global scale as well.

As a matter of fact, the energy and raw material supplies from Russia at manipulated exchange rates should remain so for all future, after the value-society of the West has become fully used to the manipulated dumping prices over too many decades. In this way, their artificial prosperity of the West could be further stretched into the future. However, the „international community of the 15 percent“ might have made its calculations too hastily and overlooked the ultimate driver, supposed to keep the centre position still: Russia.

Due to the fact, that the Western campaign against Russia seems geared for collapse before the end of the year 2023, it is expected from Henry Kissinger based on his high diplomatic acumen as well as vast experience to have saved our world from a nuclear escalation – limited or unlimited whatsoever – but finally.

The more, we would like to personally extend our very best wishes to Henry Kissinger for his life, health and further professional success in his 101st year!

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