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Die führenden westlichen Volkswirtschaften sind in eine Ära des unumkehrbaren Niedergangs eingetreten, während die BRICS-Länder und jene, die mit ihnen zusammenarbeiten, zu wichtigen Treibern des globalen Wachstums werden –  so der russische Präsident Putin.

In seiner Donnerstag-Rede auf dem Forum „Russische Energiewoche 2024“ sagte Putin: Ein neues multipolares Entwicklungsmodell entstehe, welches das Wachstum im 21. Jahrhundert vorantreiben werde und sich „weder auf Europa noch auf Nordamerika konzentriert„.

Die „starken“ Säulen der westlichen Volkswirtschaften werden ihre Verlangsamung als einen langwierigen Prozess betrachten, räumte der Präsident ein und fügte hinzu, dass sie immer noch „Positionen in der Weltwirtschaft verlieren„.

Das signifikante Wachstum … wird sich auf die BRICS-Länder und auf die Länder konzentrieren, die sich unserer Gruppe anschließen wollen – diejenigen, die die Aussicht auf eine gleichberechtigte Partnerschaft sehen, die die nationalen Interessen berücksichtigt.

Weltbank: BRICS-BIP bis 2023 35% – G7 nur mehr 29%

Im Jahr 1992 machten jetzigen BRICS-Ländern, nur 16 Prozent des Welt-BIP aus, heute aber übersteige ihr Anteil jenen der G7, stellte Putin fest. Und auch nach Angaben der Weltbank wird das aggregierte BIP der Gruppe in Kaufkraftparität bis 2023 mehr als 35 % des weltweiten Gesamtvolumens betragen. Auf die G7-Gruppe der reichen Nationen entfallen nur mehr 29 % des weltweiten BIP.

Laut Putin wollen die BRICS-Staaten eine effektive Entwicklungsplattform schaffen, die frei von externer Einmischung ist. Er verwies auf die geplante Einrichtung eines unabhängigen Zahlungs- und Abwicklungssystems, das den Außenhandel zwischen den Mitgliedern der Gruppe erleichtern würde. „Befreundete Nationen“ machten bereits 90 Prozent der russischen Energieexporte aus – so der russische Präsident.

Stetige Expansion

Südafrika etwa trat der 2006 von Russland, China, Indien und Brasilien gegründeten „BRICS“-Organisation 2011 bei. 2024 umfasst die Gruppe: Ägypten, den Iran, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und Äthiopien. Mitte September sagte Putin: Mindestens 34 Länder hätten Interesse an den BRICS-Staaten bekundet und Gespräche über mögliche Partnerschaften seien im Gange.

Der Anteil der BRICS-Staaten an der Weltwirtschaft ist im vergangenen Jahr weiter gewachsen, während der Anteil der G7 – USA, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland, Kanada, Italien und Japan – weiter gesunken ist. Im vergangenen Jahr wuchs sie um 0,6 Prozent, während ihr Anteil an der G7 nach Angaben der Weltbank um 0,4 Prozent sank.

BRICS-Staaten erweitert sich um sechs weitere Länder

Das Ende einer Epoche: Kolonialismus endgültig Geschichte – 40 Länder wollen BRICS-Beitritt


„KATAKLYPSE NOW: 100 Jahre Untergang des Abendlandes (Spengler) Dekonstruktion der Political Correctness.“

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8 Gedanken zu „Putin: „Westliche Volkswirtschaften im Niedergang““
    sorry I don’t speak German but I see you don’t write about the ongoing genocide in Palestine/Lebanon perpetrated by the US/israel.

    Here are some thoughts on it:

    This genocide would have never been possible without the biden-harris regime green lighting it, and totally supporting and funding it.

    In fact, the main culprits of this genocide are biden-harris and the mistake The Resistance makes is to target only „israel“.

    Here are some takes on the situation:

    Hezbollah can’t win a war against ‘israel’ the US/UK and EU on its own, and not by just striking the Zionist invaders with missiles or drones.


    There is only one front, it’s the front decided by the zionist enemy and their enabler the USA.
    Hezbollah and other resistance groups are just reacting to what is decided by the genocide criminals. This is not a sustainable strategy.
    While the Resistance has the high moral ground because it targets only military and illegal settlers groups (settlers are militias), it provides them with global support but does not allow them to win this war.

    Hamas has succeeded in turning world public opinion in its favour after October 7, the more the zionists perpetrate genocide, the more the world turns against them.

    Trying to gain western citizens approval against the zionist criminals would have been an efficient strategy 20 years ago but it will not help much today as western populations are now living under undeclared but sure dictatorship parading as ‚democracies‘.
    Since the covid coup in 2020, all illusions have vanished as to the real nature of western totalitarian regimes and western populations have shown how impotent, ignorant and cowardly they were. In the best case scenario, people will protest and the zionist controlled politicians in power will either censor, repress or ignore them. Even though millions now understand that their governments and media are under Jewish control, and that might sow the seeds for future revolutions, it will not help right now.


    There should be many fronts against ‘israel’, and some like the Iraqis resistance or Houthis understood it well. However, their hypersonic missile should have hit central ‘tel-aviv’, mossad HQ or any other high level target. Wasting such a precious resource just to show that they „could if“ is highly unproductive in this fight.

    It is like when Iran warns ‘israel’ before they retaliate in order the zionists have time to evacuate. How ridiculous is that?
    And where is the BIG RETALIATION from Iran?

    There should be many fronts, missiles and ground attacks should come from everywhere, from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, even from Cyprus the zionist regime is within reachable distance.

    Resistance groups in countries that are US puppet regimes like Egypt, Jordan (40% of the population is Palestinian) or Saudi Arabia should do the job their corrupt governments don’t do. Like in Iraq.

    There also should be a third front and that is the front against those without whom the genocide wouldn’t be possible: the US and their western colonies.
    Millions of Lebanese, Palestinians and Muslims live in the UK, in Europe and the USA. How come that zionists, and zionist lackeys there are not targeted?
    The money and weapons the US/UK/EU sends to ‘israel’ comes from their lobbying, and infiltration in these regimes. They are the ones enabing the genocide.
    Jewish and israelis plants like the criminal Blinken are the proof that the attack doesn’t come only from ‘israel’ but from the US and their partners in crime.
    Zionists are very visible, Jews are very vocal in their support for the genocide. The Resistance must open a front against them.

    We hear regularly of so-called Muslim ‘lone wolves’ who stab randomly western people, strangely always targeting Christians, while Jews are killing Palestinian children… Peculiar isn’t it.
    It looks very much like these attacks are state sponsored or set by mossad and local intel services working with them to deter westerners to support causes like the Palestinian one.
    If these people really wanted to do something to fight ‘israel’ and its co-genocide perpetrators, they would target zionists and pro-zionists.

    The biggest genocide enablers are the US, UK, German, France, Italy and the EU in general except few countries like Norway, Spain or Ireland (often pretending like Spain who sent frigates with US/UK criminals to bomb Yemen).

    Another front the Resistance is reluctant to open is about ‘israeli’ civilians. They target only illegal settlers and military targets. It is good to have the high moral ground but while the zionists are exterminating thousands of children and woman, the Resistance praises itself when it kills only few ‘israelis’ soldiers.

    The zionist therefore don’t feel the pain nor the fear that they should fear for their crimes. If the ‘israeli’ population was not feeling so safe, they will not support their criminal government so easily.

    The Resistance must also be able to kill much more soldiers and settlers, because ‘israel’ is a small entity, with a small population and they therefore can’t afford to lose too many combatants. This is simple mathematics.
    When the Resistance destroys military equipment or spying devices, it is good but it will immediately be replaced by the US with their billions of $ to equip the zionist criminals.

    However you can’t replace soldiers and settlers and the zionist kills dozen civilians daily, the retaliation should be tenfold.

    By striking at ‘israeli’ cities, the Resistance would also strike fear into the occupying population and many would rather flee than live under constant bombing. It is happening already, more than 40 000 settlers left and won’t come back.

    This is the strategy ‚israel‘ is using, killing demolishing, terrorizing, exterminating civilians to make them leave in order to be able to steal their land. This is why it would only be fair if the Resistance retaliated in kind.

    A fourth front should be created by calling on all able bodied young men or women who want to fight the occupying zionist regime. Gaza is sealed off, but Lebanon is open and millions could come to help the Resistance fight off the aggressors.

    Why has Iran, Lebanon, Hamas, Hezbollah not called for this yet? I believe even western Christians would volunteer.


    Iran, Syria, Hezbollah are helping Lebanon. Troops should be sent from all the countries willing to fight the zionist criminals, including Yemenis, Iranians, Iraqis, Egyptians, Jordanians, etc…

    The zionists are planning a ground invasion with US help, Hezbollah should organize and muster an international force to make North Lebanon the burial place of the invaders.


    Whatever happens, Iran will be attacked by the US, it is planned, they are just waiting for an excuse and maybe the end of the elections. So Iran needs to prepare and to stop to restrain itself in term of help, manpower and weapons they can deliver to the Resistance and in term of important retaliations.

    Russia’s role is dubious, since they are building agreements with Iran and pledged support for Syria (which remains to be seen as Syria is victim of ‘israel’ aggression every week and Russia is very absent against that).
    The hypersonic missile sent from the Houthis was of course Russian, but that was a one off event, unfortunately.
    This might have been a warning that if Ukraine gets long range missiles, then the Resistance might get hypersonic missiles as well.

    Russia and China have a great card to play in West Asia and are not playing it fully yet. They are both targets of the zionist controlled US empire. Russia is under western attack since 2014 (date of the Ukraine coup), even before and yet, Putin has reacted only meekly with this ‘special military operation’ that should have ended few months after it started.
    Kiev should be in rubbles, zelensky dead or on the run and all eastern regions already part of NovoRossya.

    Putin’s stance on the genocide and the aggression from the west are also quite disturbing. Many thinks Putin is also a leaders under zionist influence, and that’s quite possible since otherwise he would have taken bigger steps to annihilate the Jewish/neo-Nazi Kiev dictatorship and helped Iran and the Resistance further.

    The simplest trick Putin could do to deter for good the ‘israelis’ projects of war against Iran, is giving Iran nuclear weapons. It would for once balance the forces and create the necessary to stability in the region.

    The fact that he didn’t do that and doesn’t as well frankly denounce the genocide infers that he might be under Jewish influence as shown by his internal connections with jewish oligarchs in Russia. At the same time, the jews still want to destroy Russia, as they’ve always done, using their asset Zelensky and puppets in the white house, UK and EU to do so.

    Russia won’t be credible as an alternative for the global south long as they will spare ‘israel’ and won’t clearly support the Resistance.

    China could supplant the USA if the US get bogged down in West Asia and keeps drowning due to their deadly alliance with ‘israel’ (almost 100 billion $ spoiled on them since last October).
    China should help Iran, Hezbollah, Palestine, Lebanon with money and weapons. They should also help Russia to fight NATO/US/EU as that also drains Washington resources into another costly and damaging military fiasco.
    They should at the same time claim stronger their rights on Taiwan obliging Washington to drain even more resources to another front. The US economy is in shatters, the debt is out of control, the dollar is losing quickly its value and power, and further unwinnable wars will just propels it further into the abyss.

    China could use this strategy as the perfect platform to replace the US as the first economic power and affirm itself as one of the new multilateral soft power for peace and justice against an evil empire that rules by force, regime changes, genocides and wars.

  2. Der Morgenthau-Plan war ein von dem jüdischen US-Finanzminister Henry Morgenthau, Jr. sowie seinem engen Mitarbeiter und Sowjetspion Harry Dexter White im Jahr 1944 entwickelter Plan, wie mit dem besiegten Deutschen Reich nach dem Ende des von England 1939 entfesselten europäischen Krieges, der durch den Eintritt der USA zum Weltkrieg wurde und an dessen Entstehung das organisierte Weltjudentum beteiligt war, verfahren werden sollte.

    Der Morgenthau-Plan versammelt alle Vorschläge, die auf alliierter Seite im Rahmen einer sogenannten Nachkriegsordnung für Deutschland ernsthaft diskutiert wurden. Er beinhaltete folgende Punkte:

    Demilitarisierung Deutschlands
    Umwandlung des Landes in einen Agrarstaat
    Demontage der deutschen Industrie
    Stillegung bzw. Zerstörung der Bergwerke
    Gebietsannexionen und Aufteilung Deutschlands in einen nord- und einen süddeutschen Staat
    Internationalisierung von Rheinland und Ruhrgebiet
    Generalplan zur Umerziehung und psychologischen Beeinflussung der Deutschen

    Mit diesen Maßnahmen sollte sichergestellt werden, daß Deutschland für alle Zeiten nachhaltig geschwächt und zukünftig als politische und wirtschaftliche Konkurrenz ausgeschaltet wird.

  3. Nach Wahl-Niederlage: Die Grünen fordern den totalen Überwachungsstaat
    Die nächste Wahl, der nächste Absturz für die Grünen.
    An Gründen und Ausreden mangelt es den Ideologen nicht, warum der Wähler sie so abstraft.
    Sie beklagen eine anti-grüne Stimmung und die durchaus undemokratische Kampagne der SPD zur Abgabe einer taktischen Stimme. Doch besonders einer der oftmals angeführten „Gründe“ sollte alle Bürger alarmieren, denn damit fordern grüne Spitzenfunktionäre den Ausbau eines vollkommenen Überwachungsstaates.
    Alle Hintergründe zum tobenden Informationskrieg erfahren Sie jetzt bei Schuberts Lagemeldung AUF1.

    1. Mein Vertrauen in das Gesundheitssystem ist gleich 0. Gott gebe, daß ich weiterhin gesund bleibe!!!!
      Die eigenen Landsleute haben für Geld die Leute krank gespritzt, in den Krankenhäusern holt man sich Keime, weil die Ausländer nicht putzen können. Die Schulen vergammeln, Brücken stürzen ein. Hier funktioniert nichts mehr.


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