The term „American sector“ is undoubtedly well known to many of us from various documentation, reports and some from our own experience of the post-war and occupation period.
At that time, the territories of the „war losers“, above all Germany and Austria, were divided into the sectors of the „war winners“ of the Second World War. French, British, Russian and American sector. Europe, above all Germany and Austria, is in the economic stranglehold of the “American sector”, as it has recently been “shamelessly blatantly” in the political stranglehold.
During his numerous stays „outside this sector“, the Russia expert Patrick Poppel was able to gain a wide range of experiences with people other than those entering this „American sector“. He has now summarized some thoughts for us here.
Especially in connection with the Ukraine crisis, we can clearly see the influence of US policy on Europe.
The EU and NATO seem to be just tools for US geopolitical interests.
The discussion about the commissioning of North Stream 2 also clearly showed this.
After we have been able to recognize the political and economic influence for years, we should also consider this cultural influence for ourselves.
When many speak of the „collective West“, I consider this term to be inadequate, since one is tempted here to want to recognize equal partners. But this is not the case, and it was deliberately formulated that way.
I would therefore rather speak of the „American sector“.
In this „structure“ it is perfectly clear that the orders (now also transparent for Europe) come primarily from Washington.
The USA has no partners, only vassals and opponents.
If a state is exposed to the influence of the American sector, there are political and military treaties, mostly in the course of this also for the stationing of US troops in these countries, for influencing universities and educational institutions, for bringing about dependency of the economy and recently also each Year to a gay pride parade in the respective capital of these countries.
So this is not to be called the collective West, but rather the „American Sector“.
It is precisely this sector that Europe should now leave so that it does not go under like the „Titanic“. Because the only „profiteer“ would undoubtedly be the USA.
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