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An obituary by our „old white wise man“-correspondent ELMAR FORSTER


„Life is nothing but a succession of ways to survive.“ (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Tina Turner’s lyrics did not go down in music history for deep philosophical reflectiveness. But what made Tina so immortal was her irrepressible energy for life, which – despite the most severe strokes of fate – never let her despair of her great love, this earthly life:

I didn’t have anybody, really: No foundation of life. So I had to make my own way. Always, from the start. I had to go out in the world and become strong, to discover my mission in life.“ (Tina Turner)

Her difficult life is well known. Tina has never hidden it, but she has also never been snivelling about it. Already at the beginning of her musical career in the seventies, she had to take medication against high blood pressure, which eventually led to kidney failure. Then came colon cancer and a stroke.

And yet there must have been something that made Tina strong:

While I was facing so many health problems … the inestimable value of my long spiritual practice became apparent…. I summoned my inner lioness and roared. I roared and roared, again and again, until I overcame all the health problems, just like every other challenge before.“ (Tina Turner)

„God only burdens each person with as much as he can bear.“ (Marquez)

In this respect, however, God also ultimately meant well with her:

The real power behind I found within myself, something that’s in all of us, I think: a little piece of god just waiting to be discovered.“ (Tina Turner) „Don’t be afraid. God is already waiting for you at the door. I don’t believe in God, but I’m afraid of him.“ (Marquez) Do not be afraid. God is already waiting for you at the door. I don’t believe in God, but I am afraid of him.“ (Marquez)


„People are not born on the day their mother gives birth to them. But when life forces them to give birth to themselves.“ (Marquez)

Tina’s life was extraordinary – in both positive and negative ways: for example, that as an 83-year-old mother she had to say goodbye to her younger son first; he died of bowel cancer.

But because life obviously did not mean well for her, she developed a resilience against it that almost made her an Untoucheable.

Even as a child, she suffered from the separation from her older sisters because her parents changed residence. Temporarily, she was brought up by her strict grandparents. Nevertheless, she never felt loved by her parents. At the age of eleven, her mother left the family to escape her violent marriage to her husband. Her half-sister Evelyn died in a car accident.

„No person deserves your tears: and those who deserve them will never make you cry.“ (Marquez)

Tina’s whole life – like all of ours – was also marked by the eternal search for love:

But Tina’s hope in a happy marriage failed: in 1957 she entered into a love affair with the married rock star Ike Turner. The relationship was marked by violence: Ike allegedly beat her for the first time with a wooden shoe-stretcher when she wanted to leave him.

After the birth of their son Ronnie, in 1960, the couple married. This was followed by a suicide attempt in 1968 as the marriage continued to be riddled with violence. Tina divorced in 1978.

Her older son Raymond Craig (64) came from an earlier relationship. She also adopted two of Ike Turner’s children and raised them as her own.

„A true friend is one who takes your hand but touches your heart.“ (Marquez)

But the wait was finally worth it for Tina: she had been married to Erwin Bach (67) since 2013. He gave his wife a kidney in 2017.

„The secret of a beautiful old age is dealing with loneliness in a dignified way.“ (Marquez)

I am not wise, but the beginning of wisdom is there. It’s like relaxing into – and the acceptance – of things.“ (Tina Turner)

„No matter what happens, no one can take away the dances you’ve already danced.“

She danced one of her most beautiful dances with David Bowie. May the phrase now come true:

I will see you in the sky tonight.

„Take good care of your heart. You die inside from a broken heart.“ (Marquez)

In this respect, however, Tina’s life was an almost superhuman success.

„She was a power woman … One of the first and one of the last!“ (Thomas Gottschalk on Instagram)

And one more thing: Tina Turner’s time-emptiness as a woman is shown precisely by the fact that she never ventilated meaningless combat feminism – and never embittered (heterosexual) love. And she never used blind hate-feminism pretexts to divert attention from her own responsibility towards life…

Because Tina knew:

We have no other world to which we can emigrate.“ (Marquez)


Nothing in the world is more difficult than love.

And yet she remained true to love:

I will love you till I reach the end.“ (in a duet with David Bowie)

dedicated to LT


Unser Ungarn-Korrespondent Elmar Forster, seit 1992 Auslandsösterreicher in Ungarn, hat ein Buch geschrieben, welches Ungarn gegen die westliche Verleumdungskampagne verteidigt. Der amazon-Bestseller  ist für UM-Leser zum Preis von 17,80.- (inklusive Postzustellung und persönlicher Widmung) beim Autor bestellbar unter <ungarn_buch@yahoo.com>

In Kürze erscheint im Gerhard-Hess-Verlag das neue Buch von Elmar Forster:

KATAKLYPSE NOW: 100 Jahre Untergang des Abendlandes (Spengler) Dekonstruktion der Political Correctness.

(Unverbindliche Vorbestellungen unter <ungarn_buch@yahoo.com> )


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