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By MATTHIAS OLDORFF | At intervals of a few weeks, more and more research results are becoming known that suggest a clear causality between various heart diseases, especially myocarditis, pericarditis and heart attacks, and previously administered Sars-Cov mRNA vaccines. The numbers, especially from English-speaking countries, are so dramatic that mass vaccination should be stopped immediately! A clinically validated test shows an increased risk of coronary syndrome, a blockage of the coronary arteries, after the second mRNA vaccination. This test contains protein markers that are also relevant for other heart diseases such as myocarditis. So in addition to these purely observational-statistical surveys, there are also more and more scientific articles that can establish such a connection at the molecular level.



In a new research paper, the US health authority CDC has collected the myocarditis cases after Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna mRNA vaccinations based on entries in the vaccine injury database VAERS [Link]. The data were analysed together with US universities and hospitals. A total of 1626 cases of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart, an autoimmune disease, were identified. Due to the inflammation, the heart muscle enlarges and at the same time loses its efficiency, scar tissue develops. In order to provide the same necessary pumping power as before, the heart has to work harder.

Especially young men affected by vaccination myocarditis

Especially after the 2nd vaccination shot, the risk of contracting the disease increases very strongly: 105.5 cases / 1 million doses administered occurred in the most affected group of 16-17 year-old male adolescents. Slightly fewer cases occurred in 12-15 year-old male adolescents (70.7 cases per 1 million doses administered) and 18-24 year-old young men (52.4-56.3 cases per 1 million doses administered). Most of those who fell ill (82%) were male adolescents who were admitted to hospital (96%). They also complained of chest pain, pressure, discomfort (89%), shortness of breath (30%), heart rhythm disturbances (72%). There was also a change in the heart on imaging (MRI, link) in 72% of cases.

Myocarditis risk increased by a factor of 133 through mRNA vaccination

Another study by the American health authority CDC suggests that mRNA vaccinations (Pfizer, Moderna) increase the risk of myocarditis, an incurable inflammation of the heart muscle tissue, by a factor of 133! This means that a drastic increase in heart disease, in many cases fatal, is to be expected in the general population.

The US cardiologists‘ associations (American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology) advise patients to stop competitive sports for 3-6 months and to resume them only after their cardiac performance has been restored. They strongly advise against follow-up vaccinations for those who have had the disease [Link].The cases of pericarditis, i.e. inflammation of the pericardium, are also increasing exponentially. Here are the dramatic combined case numbers of myocarditis and pericarditis in the US vaccine injury database VAERS [link]:

Source: https://openvaers.com/

Vaccine injury database VAERS: only 1% of cases entered!

The vaccination damage databases operated by the health authorities, such as VAERS, state that only a fraction of the cases are even entered. The actual number of people who have fallen ill is therefore many times higher. The figures entered there by doctors or hospital staff are in turn used by the CDC, the US Centers for Disease Control, as the basis for their publications such as the one mentioned above. So the drama of the numbers is not even remotely reflected!

„Underreporting“ refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small proportion of actual adverse events. The extent of underreporting varies widely.“

VAERS, 8.6.2022
1700 % more young athletes have died since vaccination began
This observation is based on a comparison of official deaths in the last 16 months with comparative values from a relatively long period of 39 years. In both periods, the athletes died predominantly from cardiovascular failure.
Source: https://expose-news.com/2022/06/04/athlete-deaths-18x-higher-than-expected/

The monthly average of athlete deaths between January 2021 and April 2022 has increased by 1700% compared to the period from 1966 to 2004. Even greater increases can be expected in the foreseeable future: in March 2022, the death toll tripled again compared to the monthly average in 2021. If this trend continues, it would even be an increase of 4120 %!

The comparative study (1966-2004) was intended to improve the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) health protocol for participants in competitions. The main cause of death at that time was an increased failure of the cardiovascular system compared to the normal population (2.5 : 1 cases). Of the cases collected in the study, heart failure was the cause of death in 90%, and there were a total of 1101 deaths over the 39 years [link]. In comparison, between January 2021 and April 2022 alone, 683 athletes died. The worst month (in terms of the figures collected) was March with 91 deaths, April has not yet been fully evaluated [link].

chart: https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

PLUS Cardiac Test: second vaccination increases risk of coronary syndrome

A newly developed clinical test, PLUS Cardiac Test, can predict acute coronary syndrome (ACS), a narrowing of the coronary arteries, with a high degree of accuracy. This test uses so-called protein markers, including IL-16 (cytokine), soluble Fas (apoptosis or cell death marker), liver cell or hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which indicates chemotaxis of T immune cells into the cardiac epithelium, and a number of others. According to the PLUS test, after the second mRNA vaccination (Pfizer or Moderna), the 5-year risk of developing coronary syndrome increased to 25% compared to the unvaccinated, who had an ACS risk of 11%. HGF also plays a role in the inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis), as does the apoptosis marker sFas [link].

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