By JÖRG WOLLSCHLÄGER | Behind all revolutionary movements of the present (and presumably also of the past) lies a communist impulse. Think of Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution, the climate hysteria or the idea of a hygienic dictatorship originally conceived by Lenin. What goals is communism actually working towards and what is its secret?
The main aim of communism is the dispossession of the population in order to force them into total dependence and powerlessness vis-à-vis the state. Marx put it this way:
In this sense, the theory of the communists can be summed up in a single sentence: Abolition of private property.
Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, link
The communist functionary caste, on the other hand, which administers every dictatorship of the proletariat on behalf of the Secret Superiors, maintains a feudal life of luxury at the expense of the exploited „workers and peasants“.
The communist functionary caste, on the other hand, which administers every dictatorship of the proletariat on behalf of the Secret Superiors, maintains a feudal life of luxury at the expense of the exploited „workers and peasants“.
Of course, the lack of ownership does not apply to the circles of the high and financial nobility behind Marxism, the presumably even more powerful black nobility and (since a few decades) the Pope [link, link], whose ultimate goal is absolute power.

Of course, the lack of ownership does not apply to the circles of the high and financial nobility behind Marxism, the presumably even more powerful black nobility and (since a few decades) the Pope [link, link], whose ultimate goal is absolute power.
Hierarchically placed below the high noble Committee of 300, and directed by it, are the super- or primal lodges, which in turn direct high degree freemasonry [link]. The Socialist International, the central organ of all left movements, has its headquarters in London, the mother country and world centre of Freemasonry [link].
The communist state is a „machine of total power“, previously there was „always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule nations and secular governments claim absolute rule? Understand that this is the only thing they have not yet achieved.“
Christian Rakovsky, 1938 in „The Red Symphony“, link
The Red Symphony
The Red Symphony is the interrogation protocol of Christian Rakovsky, by the Stalinist NKDW (secret police). Rakovsky was a Trotskyist, part of the internationalist faction of communism, for whom Stalin’s course was not radical enough. He was therefore threatened with execution for conspiring against the dictator. He was a co-founder of the Communist International and administered Ukraine during the civil war (1917-1922), so he knew the inner workings of the party and its secrets.
Dr Jose Landowsky was detached as a doctor to take part in interrogations and torture by the secret service. He administered a mild euphoric to Rakovsky to loosen his tongue. In addition to Landowsky, a sound technician and Gavril Kusmin, who was in charge of the interrogation, were also present. The questioning was conducted in French. Dr Landowsky had been commissioned to draw up the protocol and secretly made a copy of it, as his father, a Tsarist officer had been murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1917. A Spanish Legion volunteer eventually found the manuscript of the interrogation on Dr Landowsky’s dead body in a hut on the Petrograd front. He took it back to his native Spain and published it in 1949 under the name „sinfonia en royo mayo“. In 1968, it was translated into English [link].
The important contemporary historical document [link] lifts the veil of revolutions, wars and upheavals of the 20th century and explains the common secret of Freemasonry and Communism.
Leon Trotsky had this to say about Christian Rokovsky in his book „My Life“, 1930 [link]:
„Christian G. Rakovsky … played an active part in the inner life of four socialist parties – the Bulgarian, the Russian, the French and the Romanian – and eventually became one of the leaders of the Soviet Federation, a founder of the Communist International, President of the Ukrainian Soviet of People’s Commissars and the diplomatic representative of the Soviet Union in England and France …“
Quotes from Christian Rakovsky

„Every Masonic organisation seeks to create all the necessary conditions for the triumph of the communist revolution; this is the obvious aim of Freemasonry“
„Thus it can be asserted that the bankers and politicians [in the public eye] – are only straw men … even if they occupy very high positions and appear as the authors of the plans that are being carried out.“
„Imagine, if you can, a small number of people who have unlimited power through the possession of real wealth, and you will see that they are the absolute dictators of the stock exchange and [the economy]…If you have enough imagination, then…you will see [their] anarchic, moral and social influence, i.e. a revolutionary…Do you understand now?“
„The fully developed nationalism of Western Europe is an obstacle to Marxism…the necessity of destroying nationalism is alone worth a war in Europe.“
Finally, communism cannot triumph unless it suppresses „Christianity still alive“. He refers to the „permanent revolution“ dating back to the birth of Christ and the Reformation as „its first partial victory“ because it divided Christianity.
„In reality, Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the bourgeois states. Christianity, controlling the individual, is capable of nullifying the revolutionary projection of the neutral Soviet or atheist state.“
Christian Rakovsky, 1938 in „The Red Symphony“, link