Turin: Blow against „psycho sect of the beast“
By JÖRG WOLLSCHLÄGER|A sensational trial against the self-styled „Sect of the Beast“ began in Turin’s Palace of Justice on 26 April 2022. Charges were brought against 28 people by Lara…
By JÖRG WOLLSCHLÄGER|A sensational trial against the self-styled „Sect of the Beast“ began in Turin’s Palace of Justice on 26 April 2022. Charges were brought against 28 people by Lara…
Von JÖRG WOLLSCHLÄGER |Im Justizpalast von Turin begann am 26. April 2022 ein Aufsehen erregender Prozeß gegen die sich selbst so nennende „Sekte der Bestie“. Anklage wurde von Lara Ruffino…