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By our Hungary-Correspondent ELMAR FORSTER.

Extremist LGBTQ activist, hater of Hungary and Poland

The EU Parliament has replaced the vacant post (by dismissing Eva Kaili, who is in prison for Brussels corruption) with an extremist LGBTQ activist as EU Parliament Vice-President. Namely by the Luxembourg Socialist Marc Angel: who had attracted attention for his aggressive condemnation of Hungary’s child protection law. He won the election in the second round with 307 out of 590 votes.

Socialist to investigate biggest EU socialist corruption scandal?

The Brussels Qatar corruption scandal is, so far at least, exclusively a socialist one. After all, the main accused come from this party. Angel answered evasively:

„Undemocratic election backroom deal.“

The accusation is that Angel’s election was…

… „was negotiated in back rooms between the SD and the conservatives, i.e. the EPP and the Liberals. The Greens have made the accusation: This doesn’t reflect the democratic processes either, because they only have one candidate.“ (Angel responded evasively from mark 4.15.)

Brussels is „corrupt, buyable, manipulative“ (Hidvéghi)

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Hidvéghi Balázs.jpg

Hungarian Fidesz MEP Balázs Hidvéghi reveals the true political dimension of the case:

„Nothing changes. It’s the same corrupt and politically manipulated world in Brussels.“ (origo)

MEPs let themselves be bought by US firm

For instance, already under the leadership of Eva Kaili in the EU Parliament, a questionable software agreement would have been made with a US company (!): This company collects data of the European population in order to filter out child abuse and child pornography on the basis of certain keywords. However, this would also transfer the data of tens of millions of European citizens into the possession of an American (!) company – as Hidvéghi emphasised.

But this is how the Brussels corruption continues: By a foreign actor, in this case a big US corporation, buying political influence for a lot of money through elected politicians. Brussels corruption affects both the EU Parliament, the EU Commission and other actors, he said.

„That is also why for years they have been manipulatively attacking certain political leaders countries and parties that refuse to enter the Brussels world and accept everything uncritically.“ (Hidvéghi)

Left double-measures on the rule of law using the example of Spain

In this regard, Hidvéghi mentioned Spain, where a socialist government has created „very serious“ constitutional and rule of law problems affecting the judicial system. Nevertheless, the EU would not withhold EU funds from this left-wing Spanish government, as is the case with Hungary and Poland. According to Hidvéghi, this is a „textbook example of double standards“. He noted that the same rules should apply to everyone, including the socialist Spanish government.

Only yesterday, between 80,000 – 500,000 people demonstrated against the Spanish government in the Spanish capital Madrid.

Diversity minority dictatorship: early sexualisation of children

With his appointment, the EU continues its provocation in the sense of a diversity dictatorship: Angel constantly advocates the early sexualisation of children by teaching them as early as possible about trans and gender identities in schools.

The appointment of the LGBTQ extremist was prompted by a left-wing majority in the EU Parliament (EP).

Agitation against Poland’s and Hungary’s child protection laws

So the Luxembourg Socialist MEP is particularly proud to be at the forefront of Brussels‘ agenda against Hungarian and Polish child protection measures, led by his EP LGBTQ lobby. And was naturally pleased that the EU Commission announced infringement proceedings against Hungary and Poland in this regard. Marc Angel, co-chair of the EP LGBTQ group, had repeatedly called for this.

Friendship with Maltese revenge porn distributor

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Maltese socialist MEP Cyrus Engerer

On his Facebook page, the left-wing politician freely confessed: to be friends with Maltese LGBTQ activist Cyrus Engerer. Engerer, a representative of the Maltese Socialist Party in Brussels, was sentenced to two years probation for intentionally spreading revenge porn of his ex-husband’s partner who had separated from him.

The Hungarian Secretary of State reported that:

„Socialist MEP Cyrus Engerer, convicted of ‚revenge porn‘ by a Maltese court, is now the one in the EP responsible for calling into question Hungary’s child protection law?“



Activist opposes Hungary’s „child protection laws“

In an interview with Hungary’s „Népszava“ in December 2021, he complained that EU proceedings against Hungary were „too slow.“

„But we keep up the pressure: a month ago, a LIBE delegation of the parliamentary „EU Committee on Civil Liberties“ visited Hungary and the EU Parliament will adopt their report within a week. In addition, EU ministers responsible for European affairs are expected to meet again soon to discuss threats to the rule of law in Hungary and Poland under the Article Seven procedure. The Parliament is putting pressure on the Commission to act on these issues.“

Militant pro-early sexualization activist

Angel wants LGBTQ education for children to start very early. In a major interview with the EP president, he said it is extremely important to install LGBTQ education in schools in all member states: Uso m to get a comprehensive picture of trans and gender identities and intersexuality. According to him, this knowledge should be made available to all people of any age to teach LGBTQ issues very early in schools.

He bragged about this in his Facebook post where he criticized the Hungarian Child Protection Act: That he shot a video for RTL in Luxemberg of the Pride parade, which was aired on a children’s channel.

EU is LGBTQ zone

Thus, the Luxembourg LGBTQ politician freely considers it a great success that the EP has declared the EU ur LGBTQ zone, which in his opinion is a strong message against Poland and Hungary. Angel also makes sure to constantly promote rainbow ideology with his outward appearance: He carries his LGBTQ flag, which promotes transvestites and transgender people, almost everywhere he goes and even dresses up with other LGBTQ accessories. (Origo, hirado, vadhajtasok)


Our Hungary correspondent Elmar Forster, an Austrian living abroad in Hungary since 1992, has written a book defending Hungary against the Western smear campaign. The amazon bestseller can be ordered by UM readers for the price of 17,80.- (including postal delivery and personal dedication) from the author at <ungarn_buch@yahoo.com>.

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