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By our Hungary correspondent ELMAR FORSTER

Totalitarian EU-DSSR on the verge of collapse

In Hungary, one is reminded of the worst times of its recent history: when the former „Eastern Bloc“ states were forcibly communitised as so-called satellite states in the Soviet „Warsaw Pact“ (1955-1991) and Comecon (1949 – 1991).

In this respect, it is worthwhile to see the anti-Hungarian panic action initiated by left-wing EU lobbies in this context: As a portent of the imminent collapse of a totalitarian EU project that has got completely out of control against an EU member state that sees itself as sovereign.

Ultra-left-libertarian Hungary-hating propaganda

Indeed, a key leader of the renewed anti-democratic EU coup, Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, is an ultra-left transgender advocate and notorious Hungary-hater:

Hungary cannot be considered a functioning democracy.“ (Mandiner)

– as she opined.

The EU Parliament’s specious and clearly anti-democratic, and thus totalitarian, justification….

… „calls into question Hungary’s ability to credibly fulfil this task in 2024, as it does not respect EU law, the values enshrined in Article 2 of the EU Treaty and the principle of loyal cooperation.

– as the draft resolution states.

Threat by means of malicious slander

The vote is expected for next Thursday (1 June), and is to be forced by means of usual threats based on usual insinuations against Hungary:

It is alleged that the Orbán government „violates the fundamental values of the EU“ and that Hungary „does not adhere to the principle of loyal cooperation„.

In reality, however, the EU Parliament is only afraid of the right to democratic criticism of every EU member state, which is expressed, among other things, in the democratic means of using the veto. So by the draft…

… „condemns the Orban government’s strategy of conducting anti-EU campaigns to divert attention from violations of EU values and systemic corruption„.

And Malin Björk, an ultra-left Swedish MEP also threatens….

… „various things: such as suspending legislative proceedings or not inviting Hungarian ministers to committee work and meetings.“ (Mandiner)

The real reason: neo-conservative success of the Orban government

Particularly unpleasant for the left-wing EU elites:

Namely, that just at the next EU parliamentary election (6-9 June 2024) an EU state led by the most successful national (Orban) government (won 4x parliamentary election with 2/3 majority) will take over the so-called rotating EU presidency for six months to coordinate EU legislative activity.

And it is precisely these main concerns of the EU Presidency that the EU Parliament wants to prevent as an „out-of-control cannon. “ (Index – Fidesz MEP Enikő Győri) prevent.

The demographic crisis in the EU has serious implications for the EU’s competitiveness, which is why it is justified to pursue family policy at EU level while respecting the competences of member states.“ (Index)

– as the Hungarian Minister of Justice Judith Varga pointed out.

So the EU left elites are justifiably afraid that Hungary’s neo-conservative resilience against the transgender and refugee agenda, against EU warmongering, for family and national values, could spread further.

Moreover, Hungary supports EU enlargement with the accession of Serbia as key to accelerating the accession process of the Western Balkans. And this with a very sovereign Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.

Fight against illegal migration

Hungary would like to debate the connections between asylum and the security aspects of migration.

János Bóka, State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice, summed up the crisis of confidence between the EU institutions and the Hungarian government: that the Hungarian government says what it thinks, but the EU institutions are hypocritical. (Index)

Cool reaction from Hungary

Hungary is a full member of the EU. It has already held the rotating presidency of the European Council and will do so again in 2024.

– so the terse statement of Zoltán Kovács, State Secretary for Government Communications.

For the real reason behind the current anti-Hungarian EU attack:

They don’t like that Hungary is for peace and they want to force us into war. But the Hungarian government will not give in to the pressure… Hungary demands peace and an immediate ceasefire, because that is the only way to save lives.“ (Kovacs)

And László Dornfeld, analyst of the neo-conservative Hungarian think tank „Foundation for Fundamental Rights“ knows:

In Brussels, therefore, people fear that the Council under the Hungarian Presidency will try to set up a Commission that represents the interests of the peoples of Europe and not the pocketfulness and ideology of the narrow liberal elite. They fear genuine popular representation, European Christian values and peace like the devil fears incense.“ (Mandiner)

All supra-national totalitarianisms failed because of Hungary

Ex-Hungarian-Austrian Habsburg monarchy

EX-UDSSR with ex-Satelite states

present EU


There is, in fact, a defiant self-assertion in the Hungarian mentality:

All totalitarianisms, dominated by supra-national arrogance, have failed because of Hungarian membership: the Austro-Hungarian Danube monarchy (1918) and then the Warsaw Pact.

Because already in September 2018, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban successfully defended himself against another left-wing hate campaign in the EU Parliament (which the Dutch ultra-left-green transgender activist Judith Sargentini had instigated against him) with the following words:

Those blame Hungary, who inherited Western democracy, who did not have to make personal sacrifices for freedom. And now you want to condemn the anti-communist freedom fighters of the democratic resistance.“ (Orbán)

But this fills me with joy: That they had to read my books after all, in which their wickedness is revealed. They have read my writings more diligently than the Holy Scriptures, because they wished to find heresies in them.

(Jan Hus: Bohemian reformer before his burning at the stake in Constance, 1415).


Unser Ungarn-Korrespondent Elmar Forster, seit 1992 Auslandsösterreicher in Ungarn, hat ein Buch geschrieben, welches Ungarn gegen die westliche Verleumdungskampagne verteidigt. Der amazon-Bestseller  ist für UM-Leser zum Preis von 17,80.- (inklusive Postzustellung und persönlicher Widmung) beim Autor bestellbar unter <ungarn_buch@yahoo.com>

In Kürze erscheint im Gerhard-Hess-Verlag das neue Buch von Elmar Forster:

KATAKLYPSE NOW: 100 Jahre Untergang des Abendlandes (Spengler) Dekonstruktion der Political Correctness.

(Unverbindliche Vorbestellungen unter <ungarn_buch@yahoo.com> )


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2 Gedanken zu „EU-DSSR: EU Parliament wants to deprive Hungary of EU Presidency in 2024 – Why? (Video)“
  1. Solange unsere Teuronen weiter aus Brüssel auch in Budapest die neuropäischen Zumutungen versüßen wird sich nichts ändern.
    Ohne einen länderübergreifenden Gegenpol a la Visegrad bleibt es beim transatlantischen Alternativlosdiktat.

  2. Er ist ein standhafter Politiker mit einem Auftrag für sein Land !
    Die komplette Eu-Geisterbahn war anwesend. Timmermans, Jourova, diese Holländische Ungarn-Hass-Grüne und natürlich dieser Verhofstad. Denn Knallkopf Daniel Freund habe ich nicht gesehen.


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