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German version – Putin’s 2nd address: Here

German version – Putin’s 1st address: Here

Appeal to Russian citizens

Dear friends!

Today I once again appeal to all citizens of Russia. Thank you for your self-control, solidarity and patriotism. This civil solidarity has shown that any blackmail, attempts to create internal turmoil are doomed to failure.

I repeat, the highest level of consolidation of the society, executive and legislative authorities at all levels was demonstrated. Public organizations, religious denominations, leading political parties, and virtually the entire Russian society have taken a firm and unequivocal position in support of the constitutional order. Everyone was united and united by the main thing – responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland.

I would like to emphasize that from the very beginning of the events, all necessary decisions were immediately taken to neutralize the threat that has arisen, to protect the constitutional order, the life and security of our citizens.

An armed rebellion would have been crushed anyway. The organizers of the mutiny, despite the loss of adequacy, could not fail to understand this. All of them understood, among other things, that they went to criminal actions, to split and weaken the country, which is now facing a colossal external threat, unprecedented pressure from outside. When our comrades are dying at the front with the words: “ Not a step back!“

However, the organizers of the rebellion, having betrayed their country, their people, betrayed those who were involved in the crime. They lied to them, pushed them to their deaths, under fire, to shoot their own people.

This is exactly the outcome – fratricide – that Russia’s enemies wanted: the neo-Nazis in Kiev, their Western patrons, and all sorts of national traitors. They wanted Russian soldiers to kill each other, soldiers and civilians to die, so that in the end Russia would lose, and our society would split and drown in a bloody civil strife.

They rubbed their hands together, hoping to take revenge for their failures at the front and during the so-called counteroffensive, but they miscalculated.

I thank all our servicemen, law enforcement officers, and special services who stood in the way of the rebels and remained faithful to their duty, their oath, and their people. The courage and self-sacrifice of the fallen hero pilots saved Russia from tragic and destructive consequences.

At the same time, we knew and know that the overwhelming majority of the fighters and commanders of the Wagner group are also patriots of Russia, loyal to their people and state. They proved it with their courage on the battlefield, liberating the Donbass and Novorossiya. They tried to use them in the dark against their brothers in arms, with whom they fought together for the sake of the country and its future.

Therefore, from the very beginning of the events, on my direct instructions, steps were taken to avoid a lot of blood. This also took time, including to allow those who made a mistake to come to their senses, to understand that their actions are resolutely rejected by society, and to what tragic and destructive consequences for Russia and our state the adventure they were embroiled in is leading.

I thank those soldiers and commanders of the Wagner group who made the only correct decision: They did not go to fratricidal bloodshed and stopped at the last line.

Today you have the opportunity to continue serving in Russia by signing a contract with the Ministry of Defence or other law enforcement agencies, or to return to your family and friends. Anyone who wants to – can go to Belarus. My promise will be fulfilled. I repeat, the choice is up to each of you, but I am sure it will be the choice of Russian soldiers who realized their tragic mistake.

I am grateful to President of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko for his efforts and contribution to the peaceful resolution of the situation.

But I repeat, it is the patriotic attitude of citizens, the consolidation of the entire Russian society that has played a decisive role in these days. This support allowed us to overcome together the most difficult challenges for our Homeland.

Thank you for that. Thank you.

Source: Here

Ein Gedanke zu „Wladimir Putin’s second clarification to the Russian people“
  1. Also Putins unmißverständlich formulierte Ansprache bestätigt ebenso wie anderweitige alternative Berichtserstattungen in keiner Weise, was aktuell von den westlichen Propagandamedien völlig konträr dazu getitelt wird. Demnach sei der „Kreml-Diktator“ schwach wie noch nie und machtlos gegen Prigoschin, während irgendwelche „Experten“ in ihrem Wunschdenken den Zusammenbruch Russlands befürchten.

    Nur so nebenbei erwähnt, der oberste Ukrainskyj empfing unlängst in Kiew den außerordentlich hohen Besuch von der schwedischen Klimasektenführerin „Greta Thunberg“. Demnach besuchte Thunberg die Ukraine als Teil einer Delegation einer internationalen Arbeitsgruppe zu den Folgen des Konflikts für die Umwelt, die von der ukrainischen Regierung gemeinsam mit westlichen Ländern eingerichtet wurde.



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