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Wegen der Wichtigkeit des Inhalts bitten wir unsere Leser um Weiterverbreitung der englischen Übersetzung dieses „Offenen Briefes“ von Dr. Hans Penner im englischsprachigen Ausland. Danke!

The author hopes to spread the contents of this letter. So please feel free to do so!

English translation by Dieter Böhnke, São Paulo (Brazil)

The German-language original can be found here: http://dokumentation.site/2016/09/01/offener-brief-an-angela-merkel/


Dr. Merkel,

For years you have been made aware of your political errors. Numerous books have been written about it. During a Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting all economists condemned your Euro policy. You have respected no factual arguments. Fortunately, you have not decided yet to run again for the office of Chancellor. The responsible conscious citizens would welcome if you quit policy for good.

Here are some reasons:

  1. You lead an alliance with the neo-Marxists organized in the Green Party, your meetings with Mr. Kretschmann indicate this clearly. The neo-Marxists want the abolition of Germany. „Croak, Germany“ was written on posters during a demonstration in which the (leading) Green Party politician Claudia Roth participated. They strive for a dictatorial socialist European state, similar to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  2. You have legitimized the anticonstitutional totalitarian Islam, which fights the UN Human Rights Charter and will replace the Basic Law by the Islamic Sharia. You promote a massive Islamization of Germany.
  3. You want to defend the European culture, but do not.
  4. You want to tackle the causes of the refugee movement, but do not act.
  5. You have reduced the external security by transforming the Bundeswehr (armed forces) into a sports club with gun ladies, which is commanded by a female doctor without any military knowledge. This lady may not visit her soldiers overseas.
  6. You refuse to secure the borders of Germany.
  7. The internal security in Germany was reduced dramatically during your period of government.
  8. Through the ESM treaty you have partially betrayed the German budget sovereignty. You have broken the Maastricht treaties with the no bail-out clause and impose the citizens to take over the debts of corrupt governments and banks.
  9. You are depriving depositors of their old-age security.
  10. Worldwide, even in Europe, the peaceful use of nuclear energy is being expanded. You have destroyed the sophisticated German nuclear technology.
  11. As a physicist, you know that carbon dioxide emissions are not harmful to the climate, because the absorption of 15 µm – earth-surface irradiation is saturated through the troposphere. Against your better judgment you propagate an economically harmful „energy revolution“.
  12. During your period of government the family structure of our people was greatly destructed.

Hoping for a change of government in which the faculty of reason may prevail.

Hans Penner, Dipl.-Chem. Dr. rer. nat.
D-76351 Linkenheim-Hochstetten


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