The meeting of the international Russophile movement took place these days, completely unimpressed by the almost hysterical “fear of everything Russian”, pushed from the West.
Annual meeting this time in Bulgaria
Last weekend, the annual meeting of the international Russophile movement took place in Bulgaria with the lively participation of around 10,000 participants.

This time the event was combined with a big celebration for all participants. They met in a huge open-air area that almost exuded “Woodstock character”.
Numerous artistic and traditional cultural performances were offered to the participants and spectators of the Russophile meeting.

foto: private
This year, numerous foreign guests also accepted the invitation of the chairman of the Russophile movement Nikolai Malinov.

After the very well attended (on average around 10,000 visitors) cultural event on September 16th, there was a press conference on the following Sunday, September 17th.
On the occasion of this, the individual international representatives and participants of the Russophile movement had their say on the contents of the conference.

foto: private
After the movement had developed steadily for 20 years, especially in Bulgaria, activities have now also been planned in other countries.
The declared goal is to actively counteract Western anti-Russian propaganda, which is primarily controlled by the western media.
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