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Analysis by Patrick Poppel – expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies (Belgrade)


Even though our time is currently characterized by many military conflicts, we should not only focus on these, but also carefully observe and examine other political, economic and social developments.

Digitalization is repeatedly seen as one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century.

It is both a blessing and a curse for a healthy society. Although we have recognized the dangers of digitalization, we as a society must embrace it in order to remain internationally competitive.

Of course, this culminates in a controversial situation, as we are taken hostage by the phenomenon of digitalization. Digitalization is not only accompanied by total surveillance and the massive collection of data, but it also develops a “own culture”.

“Digital culture” will change society in all areas. Young people in particular will be affected by these developments to an even greater extent.

But not only digitalization, but also a variety of other developments will change people’s lives in the 21st century.

Just think of the flows of mass migration. Such a development at the level of demographics was still completely foreign to our grandparents, for example.

The shift in economic locations away from Europe will also represent a significant factor that we could never have imagined before.

Prosperity will leave Europe, but we still don’t want to and can’t believe it.

With all of these analyses, one could say that we are being “threatened with daggers” from all sides. However, we must never forget that we are only looking at this from our European perspective.

Although we can slowly see that Europe is losing its influence in the world.

However, the blame lies not with a foreign aggressor, but with Europe itself.

It is very difficult for us to guess what will happen geopolitically in the next few years, but one thing is clear: Europe will be the loser in all of these developments.

Perhaps Europe failed to leave the American sector in time.

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