This year’s international Yalta Forum from October 23rd to 24th was “relocated” from Crimea to Moscow for security reasons.
The international Yalta Forum began in Moscow on October 23rd, to which guests from all over the world were invited. Among the top-class international speakers were participants from Slovakia, Bulgaria, ministry advisors from Senegal, politicians from the Czech Republic, Italy as well as political bloggers from the USA.
Journalists from Turkey, former ministers from Egypt, Japanese politicians as well as representatives from Russia, Latvia, Tunisia, Poland, Syria, Equatorial Guinea, Bulgaria, South Ossetia and Palestine rounded out the list of speakers at the international forum.
“Everyone was there – Europe wasn’t missed”
The aim of the forum was, among other things, to expand contacts in the interests of the Republic of Crimea and to further expand contacts relevant to civil society for the Russian Federation.
Despite countless interesting guests from Africa and Asia, an increasingly globally “isolated” Europe was hardly noticeably represented. Of course, this is one of the reasons why the forum found no response in the Western media.
The conference also dealt with the questions of American influence on the national interests of individual states and with “soft power”. Geopolitical analyst Patrick Poppel and Dr. Dragana Trifkovic from the Center for Geostrategic Studies Belgrade, took part in the conference as a speaker.
The high-ranking Russian politicians and foreign guests present jointly came to the conclusion that global American influence must be counteracted vehemently both sociopolitically and strategically.
The extremely large contingent of African, Asian and Eastern European conference participants can therefore clearly be seen as an indication that the West is increasingly losing importance and influence in a new, emerging multipolar world.
So it seems as if people in the West, as well as in “allied” Europe, have not yet recognized or wanted to recognize the clear signs of the times.
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