By our Eastern Europe correspondent and Austrian expatriate in the Czech Republic (2000 – 2009) ELMAR FORSTER
The whole country is commemorating the senseless 14 victims today – the result of a senseless rampage of hatred. Was there a hidden meaning to the senseless killing?
Eighth national mourning since 1993
This is the eighth official declaration of mourning within the young Czech state (since 1 January 1993). Prime Minister Petr Fiala announced it on Thursday evening after an extraordinary cabinet meeting:
„We call on all citizens to honour the memory of the victims with a minute’s silence on 23 December at 12 noon.„
So today, from 12 noon, the national flags throughout the country were flown at half-mast, and will remain so until 8 a.m. tomorrow, Sunday. Although other expressions of mourning are not regulated by law, cultural events will no longer take place, music will no longer be played in public and the media programme repertoire will also be adjusted. Gambling halls and casinos will remain closed. However, the Christmas markets in Prague will remain open.
Official occasions for national mourning
14.09.2001: Mourning for the victims of the terrorist attacks in the USA
15.1.2005: Mourning for the victims of the tsunami in Indonesia
8 April 2005: Mourning for Pope John Paul II (†84)
17-18 April 2011: – Mourning for the victims of the crash of the Polish government plane near Smolensk, with President Lech Kaczyński (†60) on board
21-23 December: National mourning for President Václav Havel (†75)
12 October 2019: National mourning for the singer Karel Gott (†80)
10. 2020 – State mourning for the politician Jaroslav Kubera(†72)
Insane act 30 years after the founding of the state in the land of humanist atheism
The act of madness befell the small country 30 years after it was founded, and during the pre-Christmas period, which is always celebrated with great joy in the officially atheist country.
According to official figures, 71% of Czechs did not belong to any religious community in 2015 – the highest figure in Europe, ahead of the UK (50.6%) and France (50.5%). According to the 2011 census, only 15 per cent profess to be believers of various faiths.
And yet I would describe the Czechs in particular as purified, atheistic-humanistic Christians. They celebrate Christmas with the same Christian symbols as we do. Without realising it, they have quietly internalised Christian values. It is a resigned realisation that religion and faith become murderous as soon as they become political.
Western Christian West murdered reformer Jan Hus
Jan Hus monument in the Old Town Square in Prague
A deep insight from the historical shock experience when Christian-Catholic Europe under the Luxembourg Emperor Sigismund sentenced the Bohemian reformer Jan Hus to death by fire during the Catholic Council in Constance – in breach of his word: after all, he had been promised free passage.
„Afflicted by evil, but not overwhelmed“ (Archbishop Grauber)
![]() Honoured Nato general |
During the memorial mass on Saturday in St Vitus Cathedral in Prague, Archbishop Graubner addressed urgent words, especially to the ex-Nato general and current President Petr Pavel, official representative of an EU-Ukraine warmongering policy that keeps the senseless deaths alive with weapons and war credits:
Gruber spoke about the battle between good and evil, about a must of victory of love and faith:
„Let us admit with remorse that each of us has contributed in some way to the spread of evil, or at least to the fact that we have spread little good or have not had the courage to oppose evil in some way. We are on the eve of Christmas, may the coming light penetrate our minds, our relationships and our new choices.„
– Graubner said at the beginning of the service.
He spoke of…
… „a multitude of question marks that cry out in the empty silence of our hearts and to which we cannot find answers.“
And he urged more courage:
„That the words of the Bible from the prophet Isaiah , echo in our hearts: ‚Fear not!‘ „
Senseless killing with a message of meaning?
„Jesus turns his attention in a different direction, to the future. If you don’t turn around, if you don’t start thinking differently, your future won’t be any better. Could it be that this also applies to us? Unfortunately, I think so.„
– says Graubner, unmistakably diplomatic.
„The reality of life shows us that evil exists… But to see evil only in others would be too cheap and also untrue. The battle line between good and evil runs through the centre of everyone’s heart. Each of us must discover our part in the spread of evil and find the courage to rethink.„
Irresponsibility of materialism, appeal to Ukraine and Gaza
„We do not have the courage to moderate ourselves realistically, and we are living irresponsibly at the expense of future generations.„
And Graubner continues:
… „God give great love to all those who are hurt by the crime…. So that we can forgive.„
Could the ex-Nato General warmonger President Pavel have understood the priest’s words?
„In order not to remain closed in our pain, let us also pray for all people who are suffering, for example in Ukraine, in Gaza and in other places where anger hurts and kills. Let us pray that love, which is stronger than death, may prevail. Let us also pray that we have the courage to look forward with the hope that is offered to us.„
– said Graubner.
Roses for victims and murderer
„And let us add one for the one who allowed himself to be so dominated and manipulated by evil that he became the instrument of a terrible death. We want to express our conviction that love must always win in the end. Amen.„
– the Archbishop concluded.
„We stand here plagued by evil, but not overwhelmed by despair, and the certainty that the darkness of night will be illuminated by light.„
Czech Republic: Atheistic humanism
There is a memorable quote from the Czech ex-president Valav Havel, who spent a large part of his life in dungeons built by an atheistic ideology.
„Wherever someone speaks the truth, there is already a piece of freedom.“ (Vaclav Havel)
„KATAKLYPSE NOW: 100 Jahre Untergang des Abendlandes (Spengler) Dekonstruktion der Political Correctness.“
Das Buch ist im Gerhard-Hess-Verlag erschienen und direkt bei Elmar Forster postalisch (inkl. Widmung) zum Preis von 25,50 EUR (inkl. Porto und persönlicher Widmung) unter <> bestellbar. Es wird demnächst auch im Buchhandel und bei Amazon erhältlich sein.
Das Buch „Ungarn: Freiheit und Liebe…“ bietet eine umfassende Analyse zum ungarischen Widerstandsgeist gegen die links-nihilistischen EU-Eliten.
Unser Ungarn-Korrespondent Elmar Forster, seit 1992 Auslandsösterreicher in Ungarn, verteidigt in seinem Buch Ungarn gegen die westliche Verleumdungskampagne. Der amazon-Bestseller ist für UM-Leser zum Preis von 17,80.- (inklusive Postzustellung und persönlicher Widmung) beim Autor bestellbar unter <>