An obituary by ELMAR FORSTER
„You watch the sun go down in the evening. And then you are startled: when it gets dark.“ (Franz Kafka)
On his 58th birthday, Sandra Bullock fulfilled her late husband and lover’s last wish: she scattered his ashes in a river in Wyoming.
„No one you really love is ever dead.“ (Ernest Hemingway)
Bryan Randall, who was only 57 years old, died last August. He had battled the serious illness, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), for three years – in vain. Bryan had initially concealed the incurable neurological disease. It leads to nerve damage and progressive paralysis of the muscles.
„Sometimes the whole world seems depopulated when a single person is missing.“ (Alphonse de Lamartine)
The loss of her husband shook the 59-year-old actress to the core. Bullock divorced TV personality Jesse James in 2010 after several women had alleged extramarital affairs with him. Partly because of this negative experience, she considered her last lover to be the love of her life:
„One rarely knows what happiness is, but one usually knows what happiness was.“ (Françoise Sagan)
Sandra kept her word and scattered Bryan’s ashes in a river in Wyoming on his 58th birthday.
„Our life is the river that pours into the sea, which is called dying.“ (Federico García Lorca)
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„Everything will be fine in the end. If it’s not good, it’s not the end.“
(Oscar Wilde)
Their love came true at the second attempt: The actress and the photographer had been a couple since 2015. They raised their two adopted children Louis and Laila as well as Randall’s daughter Skylar.
„All the darkness in the world is incapable of extinguishing the light of a single candle.“ (Huy de Larigaudi)
„KATAKLYPSE NOW: 100 Jahre Untergang des Abendlandes (Spengler) Dekonstruktion der Political Correctness.“
Das Buch ist im Gerhard-Hess-Verlag erschienen und direkt bei Elmar Forster postalisch (inkl. Widmung) zum Preis von 25,50 EUR (inkl. Porto und persönlicher Widmung) unter <> bestellbar. Es wird demnächst auch im Buchhandel und bei Amazon erhältlich sein.
Unser Ungarn-Korrespondent Elmar Forster, seit 1992 Auslandsösterreicher in Ungarn, verteidigt in seinem Buch „Ungarn Freiheit und Liebe – Plädoyer füp eine verleumdete Nation und ihren Kampf um Wahrheit“ seine Wahlheimat gegen die westlichen Verleumdungskampagnen. Der amazon-Bestseller ist für Leser von UNSER MITTELEUROPA zum Preis von 17,80.- (inklusive Postzustellung und persönlicher Widmung) beim Autor bestellbar unter <>
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