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Polish MEP on VdL: „You should be in prison, not in the EU Commission!“ (Video)

MEP Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik gave a short speech to Ursula von der Leyen in the European Parliament. The politician said that her presidency of the Commission is extremely damaging to Europe.


„It’s high time someone told you what the vast majority of Europeans think of you,“ Zajączkowska began her speech.

„Electing you president of the European Commission in the previous term was a huge mistake and some people still have a hangover from that decision. You are the face of a European green deal that is destroying the European economy and agriculture; that is turning Europe into an economic backwater. You are the face of all the EU’s climate crazies that are making us Europeans poorer and poorer,“ she said.

„You are the face of the migratory pact, and I say to you as woman to woman, as mother to mother: how can you not be ashamed to promote a migratory pact that leads to millions of women and children feeling threatened on the streets of their own cities. You are responsible for every rape, for every assault, for every tragedy caused by the influx of illegal migrants, because it is you who are inviting these people into Europe. You should go to prison for what you are doing, not to the European Commission. Your presence as head of the European Commission is the further downfall of the European Union“she said.

She then demonstratively tore up pieces of paper with the names of the Green Deal, the Migration Pact written on them.

„We want a Europe of free and sovereign nations, not a sick left-wing ideology. And hands off Poland, and you should bow to all the soldiers who are defending Europe’s eastern border at the moment,“ she added, pointing her finger in the direction of Ursula von der Leyen.

Ewa Zajączkowska’s speech was accompanied by applause mixed with booing from the room; Ursula von der Leyen herself listened to it with an ironic smile.

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