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From our Austrian expatriate in Hungary, ELMAR FORSTER

Dedicated to all Nany-mothers of the world

No other video currently irritates Western system media so much and at the same time shows their insecurity about the anti-values of an anti-authoritarian upbringing that have been indoctrinated in the West for decades.

‘BILD’ is so beside itself that it no longer even subtly frames the video content, but simply exaggerates it in a grossly manipulative way

‘Erdogan slaps little boy: Because he doesn’t kiss his hand’

Was that a slap in the face?

Older students among us will certainly remember the educational tool of the ‘gsunden Watschen’, or ‘Ohrfeige’ for short, which is now threatened with a prison sentence. We could philosophise about this, of course… But more on that later.

In any case, Erdogan’s ‘slap in the face’ is certainly not a ‘healthy slap’. The origin of the word (from Middle High German, 13th – 16th century) with its word component ‘-fige’, derived from the fruit ‘fig’ in the figurative sense, suggests a moderately severe open slap in the face, namely ‘swelling’.

Turkish President Erdoğan slaps a small child in front of the television cameras. The reason: apparently the boy did not kiss the president’s hand on his own. He responds with a slap in the face.’ (BILD)

The Austrian ‘Krone’ also ran a similarly distorted headline:

Erdogan slaps boy for not kissing his hand’

What had happened?

A cute Turkish boy refused to kiss Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s hand, probably because his woken parents had stopped teaching him this traditional gesture.

During a key handover ceremony for family homes by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, two children were chosen to stage the ceremonial moment with the expected dignity. Erdoğan extended his hand to the children to receive a traditional kiss on the hand, which is considered a sign of respect in Turkey.

The poor boy, probably already spoilt by Western anti-authoritarian educational values, looked at the Turkish head of state in disbelief for a while. Erdogan then raised the child with well-meaning grandfatherly insistence of light hand touches on the cheek, far beyond the pain threshold, to a kiss on the hand, based on the values – ‘sevgi, saygı, sadakat’ – in German: ‘love, respect and loyalty.’ What is taught in Turkish culture, at least to the hopeful youngsters growing up, is to kiss an older person’s hand and then place it on their forehead as a sign of respect.

‘Slap in the face’ forbidden in the anti-authoritarian post-68 West

Isn’t that…

… ‘the slap in the face as a means of education has been prohibited and punishable in Germany since the enactment of the “Law to outlaw violence in education” in 2000’

– as can be read on ‘Wikipedia’. Wouldn’t…

‘a slap in the face, however “lightly” it may be delivered, always harms the person concerned’.


‘In children and adolescents, it can sometimes lead to serious permanent physical and mental damage and result in psychological traumatisation.’ (Wikipedia)

Anti-social consequences of anti-authoritarian cuddly upbringing: ‘Generation unfit for life’

In reality, however, it is precisely the anti-authoritarian absolutisation of the prohibition of any boundary-setting within parental and social education that has led to desolate children being allowed to commit the most serious crimes such as murder and torture against their peers – with impunity.

Hochkrimineller Banden-Chef – 11 jähriger marokkanischer Migrant

Toxische Weiblichkeit: Mädchen-Schläger-Trupp aktiv

It is precisely this ‘education at eye level’, where children ‘decide at the age of a few months what they want to eat, play or wear’, that has led to a ‘generation unfit for life’ (Rüdgiger Maas) growing up,

The consequences of this decades-long anti-authoritarian parenting style and its successor model of ‘overprotective parenting’ are:

Such children know nothing about other people and nothing about themselves. They don’t know what it means to be sad or frustrated, so they have no empathy.’ (Child psychologist Wolfgang Bergmann in ‘Generation Lebensunfähig’)

We are currently experiencing the a-social consequences in Germany as exemplified by the ‘green generation unfit to live’

Today we are raising our children to be kings. But we have to think about it: What happens in a country full of kings? Who will still be working, who will still be listening? And where can and should kings still fit in?’ (ibid)

After the collapse, everything comes back into balance

It has always been the privilege of the older generation to guide the following generations with the power of a lifetime of experience and wisdom… The founder of the desert fairytale land of Dubai, Sheikh Rashid, once told the following story:

‘My grandfather rode a camel. my father did the same. I now drive a Mercedes. My son drives a Land Rover, my grandson also drives a Land Rover. But my great-grandson will probably sit on a camel again.’

And the wise sheikh explains the deeper meaning of this story like this:

‘Hard times mould strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times give birth to weak men. And weak men create hard times again.’ (ibid)

And: old, white, wise men view this cultural and social post-68 collapse with forbearance. After all, it is also in the spirit of a ‘generation incapable of living’ that is spoilt by prosperity:

According to happiness research, today’s 60-year-olds are the happiest people. And today’s young people and children are the unhappiest children in Germany. (News4teachers, in ‘ebda’)

But it’s also interesting. At our age, we still experienced a conservative, authoritarian style of education, where we sometimes got a ‘healthy spanking’… But it seems that all this has made us resilient.

And further:

‘No generation of young people has ever shown as many disorder patterns as today’s generation. ADHD, ADD, anorexia, bulimia, borderline…’ (ibid)

‘Developmental alienation is the depth of wisdom’

1) Developmental alienation is the depth of the wise,
Children and children’s children do not disturb him,
do not penetrate him.
2) Taking directions, acting, travelling to and from
is the sign of a world that does not see clearly.
Outside my window – says the wise man – lies a valley.
Shadows gather in it, two poplars line a path,
you know – where to.
3) Perspectivism is another word for its statics:
Laying out lines, carrying them on according to the law of tendrils –
spraying tendrils – also swarms, crows,
cast out in the winter red of early skies,
4.) then let it sink –

you know – for whom. (Gottfried Benn)


Jugend: Null Bock auf Arbeit – Chillen voll geil +UPDATE 31.08.+ Kein Bock auf Kondome

Grüne Jugend-Sprecherin: „Arbeit macht kaputt.“ – +UPDATE 7.5.+ Klima-Taugenichtse in Wien bei der „Arbeit“ (Videos)


„KATAKLYPSE NOW: 100 Jahre Untergang des Abendlandes (Spengler) Dekonstruktion der Political Correctness.“

Das Buch ist für “UME”-Leser direkt bei Elmar Forster postalisch (inkl. Widmung) zum Preis von 24,50 EUR (inkl. Porto und persönlicher Widmung) unter <ungarn_buch@yahoo.com> bestellbar.


Unser Ungarn-Korrespondent Elmar Forster, seit 1992 Auslandsösterreicher in Ungarn, verteidigt in seinem Buch „Ungarn Freiheit und Liebe – Plädoyer für eine verleumdete Nation und ihren Kampf um Wahrheit“  seine Wahlheimat gegen die westlichen Verleumdungskampagnen. Der amazon-Bestseller ist für “UME”-Leser zum Preis von 17,80.- (inklusive Postzustellung und persönlicher Widmung) direkt beim Autor bestellbar unter <ungarn_buch@yahoo.com




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