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The Satanic Temple specifically seeks to indoctrinate young children with its anti-Christian ideology in so-called Satan Clubs that are spreading across the country. Four already exist in three US states. What sounds like sick satire is a frightening reality in the USA. The Satanic Temple sees abortions, i.e. the killing of innocent children, as an important religious rite. Human sacrifice, especially of children, is common in occult lodges like the Fraternias Saturni. Confessed paedophiles and other freaks organise themselves in the Satanic Temple. In North Carolina, parents are therefore resisting a Satan Club in their school by protesting and praying…


The group tries to win children over through books and teaching materials aimed at them. According to a basic text of the Satanic Temple, the group’s programme is primarily concerned with teaching the values of rationalism and (apparent) scientificity that are dominant in the Western world, which should no longer leave any room for the Christian God. One sees oneself as a counter-model to Christian offers and promises instructions and support for the students by qualified personnel. The website is elaborately designed, a music video is supposed to appeal to children.

Satanists: Paedophilia and children as human sacrifice

Paedophilia and the ritual murder of innocent children is an integral part of the sick delusions of occultists and Satanists. The background to this has been discussed in this article.

There is always an almost obsessive connection between paedophilia and ritual Satanism. Not infrequently, these are members of elite circles who want to gain power through occult crimes. An increasingly occult pop and youth culture also targets easily manipulated primary school children in many cases. Examples include the satanic pornographic music videos of Li X Nas, the songs of „I am a child of the devil“ -Paul Elstak or Pokemon cartoons aimed at young children. Moreover, for the temple, abortions are religious blood sacrifices to their god Satan. Parents who entrust their children to such people are either stupid or totally irresponsible!

Revaluation of all values

According to the New Testament, the seduction of children to evil is one of the worst possible offences. Satanism is based on turning Christian ideas upside down; the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche spoke of a revaluation of all values. Therefore, the seduction of innocent children is an atrocity that the „prince of this world“ rejoices in. This explains why these groups go to such lengths to influence them.

Amen, I say to you: Unless you repent and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever makes himself small like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever receives such a child in my name receives me. 6 Whoever gives offence to one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were sunk in the depth of the sea.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, Matthew, 18

Parents stand up and win

In the town of Greenboro, parents fought back against a particularly brazen attempt by Satanic Temple to gain access to their children in late April (29.4.). About 50 parents gathered outside Joyner Elementary School and prayed. Fox News picked up on the issue and the protest on social media was also very loud. The previous week, Satanic Temple had been promoting the club to gather in the school cafeteria with flyers distributed at the school. The protests have stopped the Satanists‘ plan for the time being.

However, it is expected that they will take legal action to gain access to schools where Christian groups hold their meetings. In the USA, the constitutional principle of equal treatment of religious faiths before the law applies. They have achieved one thing with their action: the Good News Club, a Bible club, is no longer allowed to hold meetings in the cafeteria of the primary school because of the principle of equality. Possibly that was also the actual goal …

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