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By JÖRG WOLLSCHLÄGER | The Swedish company Intimina has recently started offering cereals called „Period Crunch“. These are breakfast cereals in the shape of a uterus that have been coloured with raspberry extract and are supposed to turn milk blood-red. It is said that girls suffer stigmatisation and teasing from boys because of their menstrual cycle.


Out of 2000 respondents, 48 % of „people“ would be „period-shamed“ ! 77 % could not make their periods an issue at the breakfast table (!). Moreover, an astonishing 82 % (!) are said to be too uneducated to know where the uterus is located. Needless to say, urgent action is called for. The uterus flakes will probably never be available in shops, the product can only be obtained directly from the Swedish manufacturer. The company’s woke spokesperson, Danela Zagar, makes it clear that this is a PR action, i.e. political activism. This coincides with a law passed by the Spanish socialists that makes abortions easier and guarantees women unlimited „menstrual leave“. It is possible that similar plans will soon be on the agenda all over Europe.

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