Wir zitieren aus einem Interview mit dem früheren tschechischen Präsidenten Václav Klaus, das vor kurzem auf dem Blog La Pravda.ch veröffentlicht wurde:
Frage: Anlässlich seines jüngsten Besuches in Deutschland hat US-Präsident Barack Obama Angela Merkel für ihre „tapfere Haltung“ während der Migrationskrise belobigt. Er bezeichnete sie als eine echte moralische und politische Führerin. Glauben Sie, dass damit der Beweis erbracht ist, dass Angela Merkel ausländische Interessen vertritt?
Václav Klaus: Ja, es ist richtig, dass es Gerüchte über eine „besondere Beziehung“ zwischen Präsident Obama und Kanzlerin Merkel gibt, aber ich bin mir da nicht sicher. Ich denke eher, dass beide von ihnen der absurden Ideologie des Europäismus verfallen sind, aber jeder aus einem anderen Grund. Natürlich würde der amerikanische Präsident ein vereintes Europa begrüßen, das unter einer einheitlichen Führung mit einer einheitlichen Position zu Fragen der internationale Politik auftritt, oder, wie Kissinger es vor mehr als 40 Jahren formuliert hat, über eine einzige Telefonnummer erreichbar ist. Den amerikanischen Präsidenten kümmert es freilich nicht, wenn das, was er begrüßt, nicht mit den Wünschen der Menschen in Europa übereinstimmt. Auf der anderen Seite wünscht die deutsche Kanzlerin ein vereintes Europa, das von Deutschland beherrscht wird, so dass kein Teil Europas sich dieser deutschen Vorherrschaft entziehen kann. Sie will ein maximal vereintes, wenn nicht gar zu einem Ganzen verschmolzenes Europa. Die Zielsetzungen der beiden sind also verschieden, aber sie ergänzen einander.
Czechia, Prague – Interview with Václav Klaus: “the German chancellor would like an united Europe so Germany could govern her”, by Alimuddin Usmani.
This interview was realised for La Pravda.ch and published the 25 April, 2016. The author sent us the interview.
The migrant crisis is a major topic of the current European politics. The former Czech President Václav Klaus gave us an interview in which he tells his opinion about recent news.
Alimuddin Usmani: Pope Francis brought 12 muslim refugees from the Greek Island of Lesbos to the Vatican. The highest representative of the Roman Catholic Church said that the decision to bring 12 Syrian refugees was a “true humanitarian act” and not a political act. What do you think about the pope’s attitude?
Václav Klaus: I don’t understand Pope Francis and I don’t believe him. I don’t think he does Christian or humanitarian actions, I think that he does really political actions. I’m not part of the Catholic Church, this is why I will not involve myself in this, but I’m surprised that it doesn’t provoke more distinct internal tensions within the Catholic Church. I’m not able to assess the Easter symbolic – even if it’s beyond question and historical – of the feet washing , but if this year Pope Francis linked it to the feet kissing, then I have no words.
AU: Czech Minister of the Interior Milan Chovanec temporarily suspended the draft of the charity organisation Generace 21 that planed to resettle Iraqi refugees in Czechia. What do you think about the failure of the program?
Václav Klaus: This “program”, or rather this reckless act, purely politically correct, could only fail. It’s just a small example of the general failure of the welcoming gesture from Angela Merkel and other Brussels politicians (or rather pro-Brussels). If one wasn’t conscious from a long time, then maybe the results and consequences of this “project” opened their eyes. There is no doubt on the fact that these people weren’t migrants and not refugees. They were running away from nothing, they just wanted a happier and more comfortable life. They quickly understood that a happier and more comfortable life is not easy to get. Everybody has to get it through hard work.
AU: In his last visit in Germany, American President Barack Obama highlighted Angela Merkel’s “brave position” during the migrant crisis. According to him, the Head of German Government showed that she is a real moral and political leader. Do you think that it is a proof that she complies to foreign interests?
Václav Klaus: It is true that there are rumours about the particular relationship between President Obama and Chancellor Merkel, but I’m not sure about it. I rather think that both of them have fallen in the absurd ideology of europeism, but each for a different reason. Of course the American president must be satisfied by an united Europe with a single leadership, a single position about international politics, like was saying Kissinger more than 40 years ago, with a single phone number. The American president doesn’t care if that’s not what European people want or no. On the contrary, the German chancellor would like an united Europe so Germany could govern her, so there wouldn’t be parts of Europe that want to escape to this German administration. She wants an united Europe to a maximum (and if not, amalgamated). The purposes are distinct, but complementary to each other. They complete themselves.
AU: Bohuslav Sobotka is worried about a domino effect in case of Brexit – an exit of Great Britain from European Union. According to the Czech Prime Minister, it could cause a wave of nationalism and separatism in Europe. What is your opinion?
Václav Klaus: I would like that Great Britain leave the European Union and I would like that domino effect you talk about.
As a person interested in the European question for a long time, I conscious that none of it could happen – or at least in a predictable future. Great Britain will not leave the EU, this is why there will not be a domino affect. I strongly disagree with the Czech Prime Minister, when he uses such words like nationalism and separatism. It’s obvious that he uses these words in a negative purpose. The fact that a reasonable country, that doesn’t want to lose it’s sovereignty and that refuses a social and economic pan-European policy, and worse, an European army and an European police, also wish to leave the EU, is no nationalism or no separatism.
AU: What is your opinion about the future of the Visegrád group?
Václav Klaus: The Visegrád group, which results in finding common positions for four European countries, has a tragic past. Excepted the implementation of the new Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) -that ended with the integration to the EU – the group achieved nothing. I wish a better future to the V4, that means finding a better common position towards the EU.
Originally published on La Pravda.ch.
Interview realized in April 2016 by Alimuddin Usmani.
Translated from French by the Visegrád Post.