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By JÖRG WOLLSCHLÄGER | On Monday, 4 July, i.e. US Independence Day, a massacre with firearms occurred in a Chicago suburb, Highland Park, in the state of Illinois. The perpetrator fired from a rooftop into a holiday parade marching through the main street at around 10 am. He had mingled with the crowd after the crime, dressed in women’s clothing, and initially escaped undetected, but was then arrested the same evening. According to the latest information, 7 people died in the massacre and 47 injured people are in hospital [link]. The fate of a 2-year-old boy is particularly tragic: both his parents, Irina and Kevin McCarthy, were shot dead! He was taken to his grandparents, and over $600,000 was raised for him via a GoFundMe account [link].


Mentally ill perpetrator

The perpetrator is 21-year-old Robert E. Crimo III, who had attempted suicide in April 2019 and was temporarily under psychiatric treatment. In September 2019, he threatened to kill „everyone“ and had 16 knives and a samurai sword temporarily taken from him by police. Inconceivably, despite his obviously impaired mental health, he was able to legally purchase a total of 5 firearms between 2020 and 2021, including rifles, a shotgun and a pistol. Since he was younger than 21 at the time and therefore not yet allowed to buy weapons himself, he acquired them with the help of his irresponsible father, who vouched for him! He carried out the massacre with a semi-automatic assault rifle with which he fired over 70 shots into the crowd.

The perpetrator has since been brought to court and faces a life sentence [link]. Crimo left school in 2017 without graduating, was a skateboarder and published videos glorifying violence [link]. What other conspicuous features did his internet activities show?

Screenshot: Crimo, ion.cnn.com

Intelligence manipulated MKUltra Patsy ?

A Patsy is a simpleton or patsy who allows himself to be used by others. What evidence is there that Crimo was manipulated into such a role? He used both left-wing Antifa and right-wing MAGA (Make America Great Again) symbolism in his web appearances [link].

On his right temple he has the number 47 tattooed, which stands for a hip hop collective from Brooklyn. The hip-hoppers use the number in a stylised form (Wolfsangel), the symbolism is based on the flag of the Third Reich [link].

His video recordings, for which he obviously had access to training rooms with secret entrances and an overhead camera, seem strange and confused. What kind of facilities are these?


This screenshot is particularly noteworthy: Crimo claims on the post to be a product of the intelligence brainwashing technique MKUltra [link, link]. Is it a coincidence that he showed himself wearing an FBI cap?

Screenshot: winterwatch.net, Independence day in Highland Park
Screenshot: winterwatch.net, Independence day in Highland Park

During Trump’s 4 year presidency there have been 159 victims of mass shootings. Biden has only been in office for 19 months and there are already 700 people shot [link]! In many cases, it can be assumed that these are stagings operated by the Deep State to enforce a disarmament of the American people – the last hurdle for a dictatorship [link].

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